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Showing posts from April, 2021

Are you at the risk of having vertigo?

 Are you at the risk of having vertigo? Vertigo or commonly known as balance disorder is symptom of neurological diseases, in many cases the cause is unknown. Even though causes are not known, but according to best neurologist in Delhi there are certain risk factors which put you on risk of vertigo. Some common risk factors of vertigo are listed below: ·          Older age, people who are above the age of 50 are at risk of most of neurological condition ·          Vertigo affects more women than men ·          Family history of vertigo ·          Alcohol abuse ·          Inner ear infection   If you think that you are at the risk of vertigo disorder than consult with neurologist in Delhi Dr. Mukesh Kumar visit us for consultation with  best neurologist in Delhi  

What is Paralysis?

 What is Paralysis? Paralysis is neurological disorder, in which an individual loses the ability to move some part of their body. This disorder is caused by damaged nervous system (our nervous system includes nerves, brain and spinal cord), Only a neurologist in Delhi can determine the exact cause of damaged in our nervous system. There are several conditions which can cause paralysis, but brain stroke is one of the major risk factor of brain stroke (for brain stroke treatment in Delhi consult with best neurologist in Delhi  ). Even though treatment can reduce the symptoms of paralysis but in some cases where children are born with paralysis then chances of getting back the normal functioning of muscles are very rare. Consult with best neurologist in Delhi for paralysis treatment visit us for consultation with  best neurologist in Delhi  

What Causes Dementia?

 What Causes Dementia? Dementia is not a single disease it’s a term which is used to describe the deterioration of individuals memory. This condition can be the result of many neurological disorders, which are affecting the functioning of our brain, exact cause can be determined by consulting with neurologist in Delhi There are many causes of dementia; some common causes of dementia are listed below: ·          Neurological disorders and diseases (Alzheimer’s   disease or parkinson’s disease) ·          Chronic alcohol abuse or substance abuse ·          Brain infections or HIV ·          Brain injuries ·          Vascular diseases The best neurologist in Delhi can provide you the right treatment for dementia disease visit us for consultation with  best neurologist in Delhi  

Brain Stroke Specialist in Delhi

 Brain Stroke Specialist in Delhi When arteries of our brain ruptures or blocked it can cause stroke, brain stroke is also known as brain attack can be fatal. as per neurologist There are mainly three types of brain stroke acute ischemic stroke, brain hemorrhage, TIA.   Almost 90% of brain stroke are ischemic only few cases of stroke are due to brain hemorrhage, these both stroke can be life-threatening or may cause life-long disability, which is why a timely medical intervention can help you save you from these consequences. For stroke treatment in Delhi you should always consult with the neurologist in Delhi Dr. Mukesh Kumar visit us for consultation with  best neurologist in Delhi  

Best Doctor for Seizure Epilepsy in Delhi

 Best Doctor for Seizure Epilepsy in Delhi Dr. Mukesh is  one among  the best   neurologist in Delhi for the treatment of epilepsy in Delhi, he has been treating  tolerant  seizures from past 18+ years.  you'll  consult  Dr. Mukesh Kumar via Epilepsy and seizures Any can develop epilepsy at any point of their life  no matter  gender or race. Individuals  that suffer  from epilepsy experience episodes of seizures,  one  seizure cannot confirm the epilepsy disorder. When  there's  an imbalance in electrical activity in our brain it  leads to  seizure. A seizure  may be a  sudden burst of electricity which affects the behavior, consciousness, sensation and alters the movement function of individual. Symptoms of Seizures They may vary from individual to individual, here are list of some common symptoms below: • Sudden jerking of limbs • Panic attack or anger • Change in taste or smell • Fearfulness for no apparent reason • Confusion or loss of awarene